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Records are special types, composed of fields which are built-in types, arrays, and/or other records. These are defined with:

          RECORD identifier IS
             type[*cexpr] id0 [ '[' cexpr ']' ]
          END RECORD

Once defined, the RECORD identifier can be use anywhere a simple type can be used. Each individual field is accessed using '.'


          RECORD eyeinfo IS
             BYTE left
             BYTE right
          END RECORD

          ; a record can be initialized on definition as follows:
          VAR eyeinfo eye = { 3, 4 }

          ; alternately, each field is accessed with the '.' operator:
          eye.left = 1
          eye.right = 2

          ; A more complex example. This sets eyes[0] to {1,2},
          ; eyes[1] to {3,4} and eyes[2] to {5,6}:
          VAR eyeinfo eyes[5] = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } }

          ; Finally, nested records and arrays are supported
          RECORD face_r IS
             eyeinfo eyes
             BYTE nose
             BYTE freckels[5]
          END RECORD

          VAR face_r[5] = {
             { { 1,2 }, 3, {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} },
             { { 2,1 }, 3, {8, 7, 6, 5, 4} }